
Data Formats

The waketracking module includes the dataloaders module for processing differently formatted data into a general form for use with the waketrackers module. The data are assumed to be regularly sampled (i.e., on a structured grid), otherwise some interpolation will be needed within a custom dataloader.

One of the purposes of the dataloaders module is to provide a consistent data format for the Tracker modules to use. Even though the tracking operates on a two-dimensional plane, coordinates in three dimension are retained to handle cases in which the sampling planes are yawed. The user is not expected to directly interact with the data; the inputs should be some data structure depending on the data source (e.g. OpenFOAM), and the outputs will be a time history of the wake center for the selected (sliced) plane. Outputs are calculated in the rotor-aligned frame (flow and plane normal are in the +x direction, with the origin is located at the plane center) or the inertial frame (originally sampled coordinates).

Raw Data

This dataloader assumes that the data is of the form (y,z,u) stored in a CSV file, one time step per file. The sampled points are then sorted and arranged into a regular grid. The shape of the sampled grid is needed as input.

There is no support for simultaneously reading in multiple time steps (i.e., reading in a time series) at this point.

Pandas DataFrame

Data are provided in dataframe(s), a data structured based on numpy ndarrays provided by the pandas package. These data are series of the form (y,z,u).

OpenFOAM array data

This dataloader loads a time series wherein the data are saved in time subdirectories, with one time step per subdirectory. Within each subdirectory, there is a solution file and a .mesh file in the Ensight format.

The mesh is assumed to be identical for all time steps. Dimensions may be specified or guessed from the data.

Wake Processing

  1. Import appropriate modules.

    from waketracking.dataloaders import foam_ensight_array
    from waketracking.waketrackers import track
  2. First load the data using the appropriate data loader (if necessary), as discussed in the previous section. The ‘prefix’ keyword is only needed the first time the data is processed. After the initial processing, a numpy npz archive is stored in outputDir. Subsequent calls to sampled_data objects will read existing npz archives and the original is not needed.

    arraydata = foam_ensight_array(
            prefix='array.3D_U' # optional after first time
  3. Since the input data may be three-dimensional, extract a slice of the data.

    # Returns planar coordinates (x,y,z) and time-varying velocities
    #   (u) on a plane with size (Nh,Nv), Nh and Nv are the number
    #   of horizontal and vertical points respectively.
    x,y,z,u = arraydata.sliceI(0)         # slice by index
    x,y,z,u = arraydata.slice_at(x=1000.) # slice at location
  4. Create the wake tracking object. The track function may be called without a specified method to return a list of available tracking methods.

    # All outputs will go into the $prefix directory
    wake = track(x,y,z,u,
                 horzRange=(1250,1750), #optional
                 vertRange=(0,250), #optional
  5. Perform the wake tracking. Removing the wind shear is an optional step, but typically performed to facilitate the wake identification. One way to do this is to take a simple average of the last Navg steps, then take a spatial average of the profiles from the fringes of the sampling plane.

    Results are returned in the rotor-aligned sampling plane by default. For a rotor with axis aligned with the x-direction, the rotor-aligned and intertial frames are identical. Note that the ‘rotor-aligned’ option returns two arrays xh,xv while the ‘inertial’ option returns three arrays corresponding x,y,z.

    wake.removeShear(Navg=-300) # average over _last_ 300 samples
    targetValue = 12500. # method-dependent value
    yr,zr = wake.trajectoryIn('rotor-aligned')
    x,y,z = wake.trajectoryIn('inertial')
  6. Visualize the results.

    # writes out 'processedWake/snapshots/wakeVelocityDeficit_*.png'